A car crash can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Crash victims are often unsure about what to do next. They may have questions or concerns, such as questions about contacting an auto accident lawyer for help.
Some crash victims may wait to seek legal help after the insurance company denies their claim. Other crash victims may wait for some time until the legal process gets complicated.
Is there ever a “good time” to call a lawyer? Is it ever too late too or too soon to call a lawyer for help?
The longer you wait to contact a lawyer, the weaker your claim against the other party may become. Important evidence can get lost, it can be harder to find witnesses and memories fade over time. There is often too much at stake to delay calling and getting the legal help you need after a car crash.
At Greg Monforton & Partners, we have helped many crash victims over the years obtain significant compensation for their injuries and damages. The initial consultation is free of charge.
Zero Upfront Fees. Ph: (866) 320-4770.
Reasons Crash Victims May Delay Seeking Legal Help
Although car crashes happen all the time, there are still a lot of misconceptions surrounding certain procedures to follow after a crash, including whether or not you should file a claim or seek legal help.
Crash victims may delay contacting a lawyer for several different reasons. These reasons may include:
Feeling Uneasy or Intimidated
Crash victims may feel uneasy or intimidated contacting a lawyer for legal help. This is why it is important to find the right lawyer that makes you feel at ease and listens to you. You need a lawyer that will advocate for your rights and speak up for you against the other party and his or her insurance company.
Many crash victims may not realize everything a lawyer can do on their behalf. For instance, a lawyer can conduct a detailed crash investigation, gather evidence to support your claim, hire a medical expert to validate your injuries and negotiate a settlement. He or she can manage every step of the legal process so that you can focus on what matters most, your health and your recovery.
Worried About the Costs
Crash victims may be worried about the costs involved. However, hiring a lawyer is not as expensive as you think, or as expensive as the insurance company thinks.
Not having a legal representative on your side may cost you more than having one. Without a lawyer, it can be more difficult to obtain fair and just compensation. Insurance companies may feel less threatened and more inclined to offer you a lowball settlement without a lawyer. You may not realize that you may be accepting less than your claim is worth. A lawyer can help accurately calculate the full extent of your damages.
Other crash victims may think they cannot afford to hire a lawyer. However, auto accident lawyers are different than other kinds of lawyers. Most injury law firms, including ours, do not charge any upfront fees. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means we do not get paid unless you get paid.
There is no risk or obligation in reaching out and working with one of our lawyers. Many crash victims with legal representation can increase their compensation amount versus those without a lawyer.
Unsure About Having a Claim
Crash victims may not think they have a valid claim. They may think about calling a lawyer but assume that their case is not big enough. An initial consultation will allow us to review your situation, answer any questions you may have and determine if you have a case.
Other crash victims may think they can handle the legal process on their own. When car crashes involve significant damages, the legal and insurance systems can be too complex for crash victims. There may be a lot of paperwork involved, specific filing deadlines and unexpected setbacks that can happen. You also need a solid understanding of the law. A lawyer at our firm is here to help you navigate this process.
Thinking Injuries Are Not Serious
Some crash victims may not think they are seriously injured so there is no need to contact a lawyer.
However, you may not realize the full extent of your injuries. You may have delayed injury symptoms that may not manifest for days or even weeks after the car crash. Without treatment, your injuries may become worse and possibly life-threatening.
Any delay in treatment could also harm your claim. The insurance company may think that you are not injured or that your injuries are not as serious as you say.
Importance of Contacting a Lawyer As Soon As Possible
If you have been involved in a car crash, it is in your best interest to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. You will be able to learn more about your rights and available legal options. A lawyer can advise you on the things you need to take care of, such as seeing a doctor for medical care and treatment.
He or she can also advise you of what not to say in public, on social media or even to friends and family members. It is best to not talk about your case to anyone other than your lawyer until is it resolved.
If you wait too long to call a lawyer, you risk hurting your claim. For instance, you may accept the first offer the insurance company gives you. This offer is often lower than the value of your claim. There is also a limited amount of time to take legal action against the at-fault party. Once the deadline expires, it will result in a court dismissal and an inability to recover compensation.
Do I Need to Reach Out to the Insurance Company First?
You do not have to reach out to the insurance company before seeking legal help. A lawyer can help you file a claim and communicate with the insurance company on your behalf.
If you reach out to the insurance company, they may ask for a recorded statement. Anything you say to them could be used against you to devalue or deny your claim altogether. For instance, the insurance company may ask leading questions to get the answers they want or to get you to minimize the extent of your damages. They may also ask contradictory questions to try and establish inconsistencies.
Learn More About Your Rights and Available Options
If you have been injured in a car crash due to negligence, we recommend seeking legal help. A Windsor-based auto accident lawyer is ready to stand by your side and fight for the maximum compensation possible. To date, our firm has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients.
The initial consultation comes at no cost, risk or obligation to you. There are zero upfront fees for our services. Payment is only due if we help recover compensation on your behalf.
Get Started Today by Calling (866) 320-4770.