Pedestrian Injured in a Crash With Car on Riverside Drive on Wednesday

blue lights on top of police carThe investigation of a pedestrian crash is being managed by the Windsor Police Accident Reconstruction Unit. The crash happened Wednesday on Riverside Drive East in a parking lot.

The crash caused one person to suffer life-threatening injuries, which were treated at a hospital.

The police left the street open to traffic during the investigation.

Call Today For Legal Help Following a Crash

If you were injured in a crash, either as a driver or a pedestrian, give us a call to discuss potential legal options. If you were injured by another’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation for medical costs and other damages. Our Windsor car accident lawyers are ready to help you.

Greg Monforton and Partners has a proven record of securing compensation for car crash victims. There are no upfront fees with our services and the initial consultation is free.

Call today to learn more about our services: (866) 320-4770.