A pedestrian is defined as any person who is travelling by foot. This means that a walker, runner, hiker, jogger, and even someone sitting or lying down are considered to be a pedestrian.
While pedestrians do have the right of way at crosswalks, individuals that are travelling in close proximity to traffic must be mindful of crossing a busy intersection, walking along a sidewalk, or even simply sitting and waiting for public transportation to arrive.
However, it’s important to note that in most car vs. pedestrian accidents, driver inattentiveness and a number of additional factors are often the primary causes of pedestrian accident injuries and fatalities. Unfortunately, many of these accidents could have been prevented.
Have you been injured in a vehicle vs. pedestrian accident? Perhaps you have lost a loved one?
At the law offices of Greg Monforton and Partners, our team of legal professionals have decades of experience helping injury victims and their families and work diligently to protect their rights when the negligence of another causes injury or harm.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a car and pedestrian accident, our Canada personal injury lawyers are here to help.
To learn more about your options, contact us today at (866) 320-4770 or simply click “here” to speak to an online representative in real time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We offer 100% FREE case reviews and only get paid when we win.
Car and Pedestrian Accident Causes
Thousands of pedestrian accidents occur each and every year throughout Canada. While there are many programs presently tackling this issue, there are still far too many pedestrians being involved in collisions with moving vehicles.
Increases in population and general traffic most certainly contribute to the car and pedestrian accident rate. As more and more vehicles enter the roadways throughout Canada, the likelihood of a traffic crash increases accordingly.
The following are some of the most common causes of car and pedestrian collisions:
- Negligent driving
- Speeding
- Driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol
- Failing to yield to the right of way of pedestrians crossing an intersection
- Drivers that are texting
Pedestrian accidents can potentially take place in a number of different scenarios. While certain street locations may indicate a higher propensity for a collision, any intersection is dangerous for a pedestrian crossing, even when the lights indicate that it is safe to do so.
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Far too many speeding vehicles run red lights and end up in the middle of an intersection at inopportune times. Therefore, all pedestrians must understand the dangers involved in crossing a busy intersection.
When a negligent driver strikes a pedestrian, the injuries are often catastrophic. As such, it is absolutely essential for all accident victims to seek medical care immediately following any kind of collision. If you or a loved has suffered injuries in a pedestrian crash, Greg Monforton and Partners is prepared to take your case today.
For more information about your case, please complete a Free Case Review form on this page.
Speed Reduction to Prevent Car and Pedestrian Crashes
Safe Kids Canada is a wonderful program whose mission to lead and inspire a culture of safety across the country using a comprehensive and innovative approach has helped reduce the accident rate throughout the country significantly. The program has recently been highlighting the close connection between speeding vehicles and the accident rate of children.
The Traffic Injury Research Foundation recently reported that 2.7 million Canadians admit to regularly travelling at speeds beyond the posted limit. As these Canadian motorists continue to speed, children and pedestrians alike are at serious risk. As such, the program serves to change the general attitude and behavior regarding speeding.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a car and pedestrian accident, Greg Monforton and Partners is ready to fight for your fair compensation.
Contact an Experienced Windsor Lawyer
At the law offices of Greg Monforton and Partners, all of our personal injury lawyers share a deep passion for the law and an even deeper compassion for people. These attributes translate into each and every client that we represent.
By combining a vast legal knowledge, years of litigation experience, and a dedication to protect the rights of all Canadians, we have built a strong reputation in Ontario and beyond.
When the negligence of another motorist causes a car accident, this person must be held responsible for the injuries and damages in which they have caused. If you or a loved one has suffered in a car and pedestrian accident, it is time for you to seek the compensation that your deserve.
To get started today, call our law offices today at (866) 320-4770 or alternatively, fill out the Free Case Evaluation form on this page and we will contact you shortly after receiving your inquiry.
Greg Monforton & Partners – your TRUSTED personal injury law firm.
Greg Monforton & Partners
Windsor, ON N9A 5K3
Phone: (519) 258-6490