The definition for negligent means; the failure to exercise the care of which a responsible individual would exercise in similar circumstances. In law, negligence is an area of tort when an individual causes harm due to their own carelessness rather than intending to inflict harm to another individual.
With smart phones and other electronic devices causing drivers to not focus on the task of driving a vehicle, along with sleep deprived individuals getting behind the wheel, the likelihood of an accident being caused by a negligent driver has increased significantly in recent years.
Have you or someone that you love suffered a serious injury or property damage due to the negligent actions of another driver?
At the law offices of Greg Monforton & Partners, our team of experience car accident lawyers can help to determine if you are entitled to compensation for your losses and damages, which may include; medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, and lost wages. Our lawyers also believe that negligent individuals should be held accountable for their actions and pay for the damages they have caused.
For more information, call our lawyers today at (866) 320-4770 or click “here” to reach us online.
Preventable Hazards
Negligent driving is simple to avoid, by simply abiding by all traffic laws. Our traffic laws were established to keep everyone safe; however, these laws are often broken by negligent drivers every single day. There are many actions that can classify a person as negligent, so long as that action was preventable in the first place and no action was taken to correct it.
A few negligent actions include:
- Eating while driving
- Drinking while driving
- Applying makeup while driving
- Shaving while driving
- Reading while driving
- Watching a movie while driving
In all cases, negligent actions are preventable by avoiding distractions while driving, maintaining full attention, and being a defensive driver. At Greg Monforton and Partners we believe that negligent individuals must be held accountable for their actions and will fight for you to receive the maximum compensation from being involved in an accident with a negligent driver.
Negligent Driving Violation and Points
At the point at which an individual makes the decision to drive negligently and causes a car crash, that person will be held accountable for their actions, especially if they have injured or killed an innocent victim. If an individual is convicted with negligent driving, it can result in either a criminal or civil penalty and in some cases includes fines and jail time.
In Ontario, there is a system of demerit points used to monitor and correct drivers, identify driver types, and promote road safety. An individual will begin with zero demerit points which will accumulate with each conviction. These points will remain on a drivers record for two years of the date of the offense. Once a driver accumulates so many points, that person may lose or have their license suspended.
With six demerit points an Ontario driver will be issued a warning letter for their convictions. Nine points will result in the driver scheduling a mandatory interview to discuss their driving record and provide reasoning why their license should not be suspended. In the case that the driver fails to appear for this interview, the license will automatically be suspended. At 15 points a drivers license will be suspended for 30 days. There are many different ways an individual may receive points on their license.
Some negligent driving points include:
2 Points
- Did not obey signs
- Did not use proper signalling
- Driving too slow
- Reversing on the highway
3 Points
- Exceeding speed limit by 16-29 km/h
- Fail to yield right of way
- Fail to obey stop sign
- Failing to report an accident
- Driving wrong direction on the road
4 Points
- Exceeding speed limit by 30-49 km/h
- Tailgating
6 Points
- Exceeding speed limit by 50 km/hr.
- Careless driving
- Street racing
- Did not stop for school bus
7 Points
- Did not remain on scene of collision
- Did not stop when signaled by police officer
In the case that an Ontario driver is convicted in the State of Michigan, New York or another Canadian province or territory, these penalties will be added to their Ontario driving record. If you have been involved in an auto accident with a negligent driver, it is important to remain calm and gather the individuals information along with information from any witnesses.
Need Help After A Crash? Contact Us Today
If you or someone you love has been involved in an automobile accident, it is very important to seek the legal guidance of an experienced auto accident lawyer. By utilizing the services provided by a knowledgeable accident lawyer, you may become eligible to receive compensation for losses and damages stemming from the accident.
At Greg Monforton and Partners, our personal injury lawyers in Windsor, ON are dedicated to helping injured individuals receive the justice they deserve in our court of law.
Located in Windsor, we are able to serve throughout Ontario including:
- Windsor
- Chatham-Kent
- Essex
- Tecumseh
- Emeryville
- Harrow
- Leamington
- London
For more information on how our Windsor auto accident lawyers may be able to help you during your time of need, or simply to schedule your free no-obligation consultation, contact us at (866) 320-4770 and a member of our highly qualified intake team will obtain information about your accident and refer you to one of our experienced auto accident lawyers.
To begin, click “here” to reach us online or call us toll free at (866) 320-4770.
Greg Monforton & Partners
Windsor, ON N9A 5K3
Phone: (519) 258-6490