One of many rules drivers must learn before getting approved for a drivers licence is who has the right of way when approaching an intersection. Failing to yield the right of way is an offense in Ontario that can result in three demerit points in convicted. Drivers who fail to yield for school buses and emergency vehicles may also receive further demerit points.
Knowing who has the right of way is important as passing although it is not your turn can result in a car collision. According to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation there were more than 53,100 collisions that were intersection related and an additional 42,000 at intersections.
The most common type of accident that can happen at an intersection is a side-impact collision and in Ontario there were more than 17,900 crashes at an angle reported throughout the province.
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by a drivers failure to yield the right of way, the victim may be entitled to compensation for property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, and more. Our experienced barristers can help you determine what your legal rights are if your claim has the merits for a successful lawsuit.
For a no-cost, no-obligation review of your auto collision claim, fill out the FREE CASE REVIEW form to your right its strictly confidential.
Right of Way Guidelines
When approaching an intersection whether it has a traffic light, stop sign, or no traffic signs or signals, you must know what driver must yield the right of way.
The following right of way guidelines are from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation drivers handbook.
- You must yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing on specifically at marked pedestrian crosswalks.
- At an intersection with no lights or signs, you must yield the right of way to the driver who reached the intersection before you. If you and another driver reached the intersection at the same time, yield the right of way to the driver to your right.
- At an intersection with a 4-way stop sign you must yield the right of way to the vehicle that came to a complete stop first. If vehicles reach the intersection at the same time, the driver to the left must yield to the motorist on the right.
- If entering a roadway from a private road or driveway the driver must yield to pedestrians and other vehicles on the roadway they are trying to get to.
- If you want to turn right or left at an intersection you must wait for approaching traffic to turn or pass as well as for pedestrians who are crossing. It is important to also watch for cyclists who may be in your blind spot or approaching from behind you in the bike lane.
If you approach an intersection or roundabout with a yield sign it means you will have to yield to approaching vehicles and possibly even have to come to a complete stop.
If a driver is approaching an emergency vehicle stopped on the highway with its emergency lights on, the driver should slow down and approach the vehicle with caution. If possible the driver should move over to a non-adjacent lane.
Contact our Windsor Auto Accident Lawyer
When a driver fails to yield due to their own carelessness, distractions, or inexperience handling such situations, they are putting their lives and others in danger. In Ontario failing to yield is a serious offense which is why it is so important that drivers be knowledgeable in how to handle the situation.
At Greg Monforton & Partners we have been helping personal injury victims fight for their rights for more than 30 years. Our barristers are ready to provide comprehensive legal counsel on your specific case and help guide you through the entire litigation process.
Our office is located in Windsor, Ontario, but we proudly serve the surrounding areas, including:
- Windsor
- Toronto
- Hamilton
- Sarnia
- Chatham
- Niagra
- Scarborough
- London
and many more local towns and cities. To get connected with one of our experienced lawyers, contact us at (866) 320-4770. One of our steadfast intake staff members will connect you with one of our barristers best suited in handling your claim.
If you would prefer to have us contact you, fill out the FREE CASE REVIEW form at the top right-hand corner of this page its FREE to submit and your information will remain confidential.
At the law offices of Greg Monforton & Partners, we are dedicated to fighting for the rights of the injured.