For the fourth consecutive year, the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) Saskatchewan is asking motorists to nominate their least favorite roads in the province; those that are the most dangerous and most in need of repair.
As snow that once covered Saskatchewan’s streets begins to melt, drivers can see which roads fared the worst this winter. Motorists may then nominate roads for the CAAs list.
Last year, voters selected Highway 24 by Leoville, Sask. as the provinces worst road.
The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness of poorly maintained roads and to alert the public to roads where they may encounter rough terrain. Poorly maintained roads are more than an inconvenience; they can wreck a vehicle and lead to serious or fatal accidents.
Online voting for the CAAs worst roads campaign begins March 25 and ends April 17.
Roadways can be troublesome or dangerous for many reasons. Large or craggy potholes, lack of signage or barely visible signage, steep inclines and other factors that make commuting unsafe could qualify a roadway for CAAs campaign.
It should be noted that the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure does repair the provinces roads throughout the year. By the end of the 2014 construction season, the agency had improved 837 kilometres of roadway to ensure travellers safety. However, simply because repairs are made does not mean that neglected stretches of highway do not exist; they do, and the CAA wants all drivers to be aware of these roads and to take as many precautions as necessary to prevent auto accidents from happening on them.
The CAAs list is informative and important, so if you know of a road that needs to be added, make sure you log on during the voting window and do what you can to help!
If you or someone you love was injured on a dangerous roadway in Canada, you may wish to file a lawsuit to recoup your losses. Contact the personal injury lawyers at Greg Monforton & Partners today for a free consultation.
Call (866) 320-4770 or fill out our FREE case review form.