Statements at the Crash Scene That Hurt Injury Cases

car accident statementsThe period of time immediately following a car accident while you are at the scene is typically quite hectic. You may be emotional, have your nerves rattled or be in a state of shock. While it may be tempting to chat with other involved parties at the accident scene, you must be very careful of what you say, as your statements may be used against you to hurt your injury claim.

Our legal team discuss why you need to be careful when you speak to anyone at the scene of the crash. If you have been injured in a car accident, request a free, no obligation legal consultation with us today.

When Words Can Hurt Your Case

Car accident claims are a question of who pays – the answer involves finding out who held the largest portion of fault in the collision. Any statements made at the scene of the accident are typically some of the strongest pieces of evidence used.

A seemingly innocent and simple statement to the other driver, like a brief apology because you did not see his or her vehicle, can be used as evidence claiming you felt you were responsible for the accident. Even if you did believe you were responsible for the crash, the investigation may show something different.

Once evidence is gathered, it may show the reason you did not see the other driver was because he or she:

  • Was not using the vehicle’s headlights at night
  • Ran a red light
  • Was speeding

You May Be Mistaken

Another reason you want to be careful of your statements after a crash is that you may be wrong about the details. A car accident creates a stressful situation, and injuries add to confusion.

Statements made following your accident are unlikely to help your case, but they can hurt it. It is best to stick to the information you are obligated to provide the other driver, including:

  • Contact information
  • Driver’s license number
  • Insurance information

Any other conversation should be limited to speaking with the responding police officer. You may tell him or her how the accident occurred but be sure to stick to the facts you know. When you contact your auto insurance provider after the accident, this is the time to go into more detail. Remember, give these details to your insurance company only, not the other driver’s insurance provider.

Your Statements Could Be Misunderstood or Misinterpreted

Any statements you make following an accident may be misinterpreted and used against you. Witnesses to the accident may think they heard you say one thing, but you actually said the opposite – this misunderstood information can greatly affect your claim.

If you say you are sorry to another driver, witnesses may think this is an admission of fault for the accident, as if you are sorry you caused the accident even though it was just a general comment meaning you felt sorry that the accident occurred at all. It is always important to avoid making any statements that could be misinterpreted as admitting fault for the accident.

Let a Lawyer Protect Your Best Interests

If you or a loved one was injured in a car accident, let our car accident lawyers in Windsor put our knowledge and experience to work for you. We work to protect your best interests as we pursue responsible parties for maximum compensation of your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Request a free, no obligation consultation today and learn what legal options may be available to you. We charge no upfront fees and payment is only owed if we recover compensation for you.

Call (866) 320-4770 or complete our free online form now.