December is a time of giving – giving commonly done by way of material gifts – the physically tangible and often edible items of plenty.
These gifts cause the giver and the receiver to reflect and ask very personal questions. Questions like what impact and role each individual plays in your life and the lives of others. Questions of why we surround ourselves with the people we do.
While in a place of reflection, we often ponder what gifts we truly have to offer. It is then that we realize that far too often the easiest gift to give is the least frequent and hardest to give:
The gift of TIME.
Time spent simply listening, sitting quietly or sharing a tear. Time spent acknowledging that this person with you may hurt, may be scared and does not know what the future holds. Time spent holding a hand, giving a hug, making eye contact. Time spent letting someone know – they are not alone.
There is no truer gift than the gift of self and time. These gifts allow for human connection; a heartfelt, sincere and honest connection.
At Greg Monforton and Partners we are so grateful for our community and our clinical partners. In Windsor and Essex County we are surrounded by the most caring and generous of clinicians – we know what it means to be surrounded by those that give this gift of Time so freely and naturally.
The clinicians – the physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social worker, psychologist, case manager, nurse, physician, etc. – that cross our paths daily, through the work they do – exemplify the generous gift of self and time. For this we are thankful.
Having been the victim of a trauma, no matter the cause, turns a person’s world upside down – and commonly leads to a dark and challenging chapter in life – we see the difference you make in the lives of others. On behalf of Greg Monforton and Partners – to all our clinical partners out there – thank you for supporting each and every one of your patients through this process.
Thank you for the extra few moments you take to make the experience personal, for giving of yourself on a human level.
Thank you for treating each client as an individual.
Thank you for the time you spend listening and caring and supporting our clients during their recovery.
Thank you for allowing the individual to trust, and above all be treated with fairness, respect and dignity.
To a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2017.