Motorcyclists safety is becoming an issue of growing concern among the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The force notes that 2014 is on track to being the deadliest year in the last seven for motorcyclists, with 25 riders and one passenger having been killed in accidents so far.
OPP is bringing awareness to this fact to encourage greater precautionary measures among motorcyclists and motorists who share Ontarios roadways.
OPP Deputy Commissioner Brad Blair, Provincial Commander, Traffic Safety and Operational Support, says that most motorcyclists operate their bikes in accordance with Ontario law, but there are some who could use a reminder that speed limits are in place for their own safety. Earlier this month, OPP Aircraft Enforcement Patrol charged a motorcyclist under Ontarios stunt driving law when he was clocked travelling 210 kilometres per hour.
…out of 175 motorcycle deaths between 2008 and 2014, this group comprised 48 of those victims…
Law enforcement stresses that, while many believe young motorcyclists are at a higher risk of crashing, the age group with the greatest incidence of fatalities is the 45-54 year group; out of 175 motorcycle deaths between 2008 and 2014, this group comprised 48 of those victims.
The second-highest fatality rate is among the 55-64 year age group, with 39 victims within those same years. Surprisingly to most, younger riders (under 25 years old) had only 16 fatalities.
Its important for motorcyclists and other drivers to be aware of each others presence. Motorcyclists need to obey the law and avoid weaving through traffic to ensure they are seen by other drivers; conversely, other drivers must have a heightened vigilance if they hear or see a motorcycle in traffic.
The OPP notes that the top contributing factors in motorcycle crashes from 2008-2014 include speed, loss of control, driving under the influence, failure to yield and inattention on the part of the motorcyclists. Those same actions performed by motorists can be just as deadly.
Reducing these fatalities can be possible if drivers of all kinds stay aware of their surroundings and follow Ontario traffic laws.
Have you or someone you love been injured in a motorcycle accident that was caused by another motorist?
Greg Monforton & Partners motorcycle accident lawyers are prepared to answer your legal questions with a FREE case review. There is no obligation to proceed and the details of your case are always strictly confidential.
To take the first step today, contact a personal injury lawyer from Greg Monforton & Partners at (866) 320-4770 or fill out our FREE case evaluation form here.
Greg Monforton & Partners – Est. 1981.