The law firm of Greg Monforton & Partners was a proud sponsor of the 2018 Windsor-Essex Annual Spring Brain Injury Conference.
The event was held on June 20th at the Fogolar Furlan Club.
This seminar brought together local occupational therapists, physical therapists, case managers, general practitioners and more.
The educational focus was a review of the newly released Guidelines for Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Persistent Symptoms: Third Edition, published by the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation.
This year’s theme was “Standards for Post-Concussion Care.”
The Brain Injury Association of Windsor & Essex County (BIAWE) is a not-for-profit program that offers workshops, family support, and activities for the survivors and families of those afflicted with all types of brain injury and trauma.
Greg Monforton & Partners is always here for you. Call (866) 320-4770.