After an e-bike accident, there are certain ways to maximize the value of your claim to seek recovery for your injury. This involves understanding these factors, the different aspects of electronic bicycles and knowing which steps to follow to possibly help protect the full value of your claim.
A knowledgeable Windsor bicycle accident lawyer at Greg Monforton and Partners is prepared to help. Schedule a free, no obligation consultation with our firm today. We can support you throughout the entire claims process and answer any questions you may have specific to your case.
What You Should Know About e-Bikes
Electric bicycles are similar to other electronic devices on the road, but they must include the following components in Ontario:
- Navigation handlebars
- Continuously working pedals
- An electric motor with a maximum of 500 Watts
- No more than a maximum speed of 32 km/h
- A maximum weight of 120 kg
The e-bike should also contain a label permanently affixed from the manufacturer that is in both English and French languages explaining that it is an e-bike that adheres to the federal requirements of a power-assisted device. Additionally, modifications increasing power or speed is illegal with electronic bicycles.
Gather Physical Evidence at the Scene
If possible, try to gather the following physical evidence at the scene:
- Contact details for the at-fault driver or pedestrian
- Contact information for witnesses
- A police or accident report
- Photos of the damage and your injury
- Photos of the weather and road conditions
It is important that you collect as much evidence as possible after an accident while it is still fresh in your mind. This includes carefully writing down everything that happened to avoid forgetting anything.
Seek Medical Care and Follow Treatments
No matter how minor the injury, you should not refuse medical care at the scene. It is vital to follow all medical instructions and steps for treatments necessary for recovery. The doctor often follows up to determine the viability of the treatments or if any changes are necessary, such as changing prescription doses. Any deviations from instructions or treatment can potentially be used as evidence against you in an e-bike claim, so it is critical to carefully follow doctor’s orders.
Document Your Injuries and How They Have Affected You
Document everything so that you have a record of what happened. Here are a few ways that you can document your claim:
- Take pictures of your injuries as you progress through treatment
- Keep a journal of how the injuries affected you
- Explain thoughts, emotions and trauma from the accident in your journal
- Explain the effects of medication and treatment acquired for recovery in your journal
The documentation is often detailed and full of specific information about the accident, treatment and injuries. This can include pain and suffering and distress or trauma from the accident that is still present afterward.
Obtain Necessary Records and Receipts
Your medical records are a critical component to your claim. Your medical files detail your injuries and link them to your accident. They also provide details about your medical providers, doctor recommendations for treatment options and rehabilitation information. You should keep bills and receipts for anything you paid, still owe or will lose as a result of the accident.
Contact A Lawyer to Help with Your Claim
If you or a loved one has been injured in an e-bike accident, you should contact the experienced Windsor car accident lawyers at Greg Monforton and Partners to take care of all your legal needs. Our firm will investigate your accident, determine who is liable for it and explain what steps you need to take next. Additionally, our lawyers will obtain medical records, assess injuries and accurately assess the potential value of your claim based on the damages that you have sustained.
Contact us today for a free consultation. We work on a contingency fee basis and will not require payment unless we are successful with your claim.
We look forward to helping you. Call (866) 320-4770.