Greg Monforton Hosting OTLA Webinar on Tips for New Lawyers

Greg Monforton webinarFounding partner Greg Monforton, along with Joanna Sweet, will be hosting an Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA) webinar on May 5, 2015 at 12 p.m.

The OTLA webinar is limited to members only and will allow new lawyers to obtain 1.25 hours in Continuing Professional Development credits.

During the 75 minute webinar, entitled Tips for New Lawyers: Conducting an Examination for Discovery, the team of lawyers will discuss strategies used to prepare for the examination for discovery including how to rummage through an evidence pile, preparing a client for difficult questions and how to help your client, if necessary, after the discovery process is complete.

Additionally, the webinar will include information about dealing with requests, difficult counsel and hostile defendants.

Greg Monforton is a past-President of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association and is looking forward to instilling his renowned knowledge of the law with attendees. Dr. Joanna Sweet will also provide insight into navigating the legal sphere as a new lawyer.

To learn more about the webinar or register for the event, visit Please be advised that you must be an OTLA member to view and register for the event.

Greg Monforton & Partners looks forward to this wonderful and educational event.