How Plaintiffs Are Paid After Winning a Case

getting paid after winning caseAfter your case has settled, you might be wondering when you would be receiving your settlement check. Although you can ask your lawyer to give you an estimate as to when this check is expected to arrive, there are several steps that need to take place beforehand. This includes paying anyone that is owed money from helping you with the case.

Our legal team at Greg Monforton & Partners further discuss how settlement funds are released after a case is won. We are prepared to answer any legal questions you may have in a free consultation.

Distribution of Settlement Money

To receive money from a settlement, you will be required to sign a release that you will not take any future legal action against the other party for the same accident. The other party and his or her insurance company will not send a check for your injuries and damages unless this form is completed. Your lawyer may also need to sign certain documentation if he or she started the claim on your behalf.

After all documents have been submitted, settlement funds are then released to the plaintiff’s lawyer’s trust account. In some cases, the other party provides the funds to the plaintiff’s lawyer to be held in a trust until the release is signed. It is important to note that your lawyer will also not be allowed to release the funds to you until all parties involved in your case are paid for their services.

Outstanding Medical Bills

Any unpaid medical expenses will need to be paid from the settlement check. If the insurance policy does not cover everything and your medical bills are high, you may be able to get your bills reduced to a reasonable amount. However, trying to get your medical expenses lowered can be difficult. Be sure to have any needed reductions agreed upon before a settlement is reached with the insurance company.

Legal Costs and Fees

If you decide to hire a lawyer to represent you, the costs and fees will be taken from the settlement proceeds. Since our firm works on a contingency fee basis, this means that there are no upfront fees. You only pay us at the end of the legal process if we help you obtain compensation through a settlement or verdict.

The cost of a case, on the other hand, differs from fees. Costs are payments issued for goods and services that are separate from your lawyer’s time. For instance, a health care provider may charge a fee for issuing a copy of your medical records or it can be an additional cost to hire a medical expert to testify on the extent of your injuries. It also costs money to file a case in court. These costs are generally paid by your lawyer, but you are legally responsible for them once the case is settled.

Your Injury Compensation

After medical bills, legal services and anyone else that is owed money from the case has been paid, you may keep the remainder of your injury compensation and use it however you want. Even if you handle a case on your own and take all the necessary steps to come to a resolution without legal representation, it does not necessarily guarantee you more money. Most injury victims who work with a lawyer typically obtain much higher compensation than those who do not.

How Long Does This Process Take?

The process to receive a settlement check will depend on a number of factors that are unique to your situation, such as the other side’s insurance policy, the kind of case that it is and if there are any extraneous circumstances affecting payout. In most cases, it could take several weeks to a month.

Get Your Legal Questions Answered

A licensed Windsor personal injury lawyer from our firm is ready to offer legal advice in a free case evaluation. You may be able to seek compensation for your medical expenses, loss of wages, pain and suffering, and more. We have helped many clients recover millions in compensation for their damages.

Do not hesitate to reach out to our lawyers. You are under no obligation to hire us if we determine that you have a viable case. There are no upfront fees for our services unless we help you obtain a recovery.

Greg Monforton & Partners. Free Consultation. Ph: (866) 320-4770.