Auto insurance is needed to protect yourself, your passengers, and the investment you have made in your vehicle. To put it simple, auto insurance is a way of planning to protect you from an unexpected and expensive event which may occur. Insurance is an extremely powerful tool which can help individuals in a variety of ways including:
- Pay for damages and repairs due to theft, natural disasters, and vandalism
- Pay for medical expenses following a collision
- Protect other valuable assets like your home, retirement fund, and stocks
- Protect the investment you have made in your car
- Protect you against uninsured or under-insured motorists
- Protect you from expensive damages to your vehicle
If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, and your insurance agency fails to pay for the damages and/or injuries that have been caused. Our car accident lawyers believe that these individuals may be eligible for compensation benefits including; pain and suffering, loss of wages, medical expenses, funeral expenses, and property damage.
To learn more, complete our Free Case Evaluation form to the right of this page or call (866) 320-4770.
Windsor Ontario Car Insurance
Throughout Canada it is the law for all individuals operating vehicles on our roadways to possess some form of car insurance. This not only protects yourself, but also protects those individuals around you. Thus, there are several different types of car insurance offered throughout Canada.
Some types of auto insurance include:
Third-Party Liability Coverage
This protects drivers in the case that someone else has been injured, killed, or their property has been damaged. This insurance will also pay for claims against a lawsuit that may rise against you, up to the limit of your coverage, and will also pay for the settlement of the claim. The law states that an individual must carry a minimum of $200,000 in this type of coverage.
Statutory Accident Benefits Coverage
This type of insurance protects you in the case that you have been injured in a car accident no matter who has caused the accident. It includes supplementary medical, income, caregiver, rehabilitation, and attendant care benefits.
Property Damage Coverage
This type of coverage protects against damages to your car or its contents in the case that another individual was at fault for the accident. This is a direct form of compensation and even though someone else may have caused the damage, you can still collect from your own insurer instead of that individual.
Uninsured Automobile Coverage
This type of coverage protects you and your family in the case that someone becomes injured or killed by an uninsured driver or by a hit-and-run accident. This insurance also covers damages caused by an unidentified and uninsured driver.
Specified Perils Coverage
This goes beyond the basic requirements by law and pays for the losses caused by fire, lightning, windstorms, rising water, hail, attempted theft, earthquake, explosions, riots, and any other situation where an insured vehicle has been carried on land, water, or transport of any kind.
Comprehensive Coverage
This type of coverage pays for losses which are not covered by Collision or Upset or the above factors listed in the Specified Perils Coverage.
Collision or Upset Coverage
This coverage pays for the losses which have been caused by an uninsured vehicle being involved in a collision with another object. This can include another automobile, trailer attached to the vehicle, the ground, or another object fixed in the ground.
All Perils Coverage
This coverage combines both Collision or Upset and Comprehensive coverage options. It also covers losses or damages caused when a person who lives in the home uses the vehicle which is covered under your insurance policy. This insurance covers any employees who may use the car or services and repairs caused by an individual who has stolen the car.
Need Help After An Accident?
At Greg Monforton & Partners, we understand the struggles individuals go through when their insurance agencies fail to stay true to their end of the bargain, therefore, we will fight relentlessly for the MAXIMUM compensation benefits available to you in the court of law.
With our office located in Windsor, Ontario, we are able to serve throughout the entire province and Canada. Some locations we serve include, but are not limited to:
- Amherstburg
- Emeryville
- Essex
- Lakeshore
- LaSalle
- Tecumseh
- Walkersville
And surrounding suburbs, towns, and cities
Individuals are allotted a certain amount of time to file a claim following a car accident, thus it is imperative to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible following your accident. Call us today at (866) 320-4770 where a member of our team will gather the necessary information regarding your case and get started working with you right away.
Alternatively, we invite you to complete the 100% Free Case Evaluation located on the upper right of this page, all of your information will remain completely confidential.