Ontario Law Firm Blog

Tobacco Companies Coming to Ontario Court

International tobacco companies will not be able to escape Ontario’s court battle for $50 billion. The province’s government won a very important victory when the Ontario Court of Appeal rejected the idea that the international parent companies of tobacco manufacturers should not be involved. If you have become ill or have cancer due to cigarette... Read More

Mother Carrying Newborn Struck By Car in Devonshire Mall Parking Lot

On Thursday, May 30th a mother and her child were walking in the Sears parking lot of the Devonshire Mall in Windsor when they were struck by a car. Although these injuries were non-life threatening, they were transported in an ambulance to a nearby hospital. No details about the driver have been released. Of course,... Read More

Client Angie Williams Seeks Damages in Auto Deaths of Children

Angie Williams, a St. Joachim woman, lost her two youngest children in a horrific auto-train accident June 10, 2012. Her husband, Andrew Williams, was driving the family’s 2000 Dodge Caravan on Strong Road in Lakeshore, carrying the family’s 4 children, Jasmyn, who was 1 1/2 at the time, Brooklyn, 3, Dryden, 4 and Wynter, 6,... Read More

Aggressive Dog That Injured 80-Year-Old Must Be Dealt With

Police and animal control officers responded to an incident near Harrow on Thursday following a dog biting an 80-year-old man.  The man said he was trying to stop a fight between two dogs. This dog which caused the fighting had broken through a screen door and attacked a woman’s German Shepherd-Labrador mix. The 80-year-old man... Read More

Amherstburg Man Charged With Drunk Driving Following Fiery Crash

An Amherstburg man is being charged for drunk driving after causing a fiery crash which resulted in his passenger going to the hospital with serious injuries. The man is being charged for operating his car while having a blood alcohol content of over 80 milligrams, and causing harm to another individual. Police indicated that the... Read More

Another Victim Claimed: Bicycles Prove Dangerous Transportation for Migrant Workers

48-year-old husband and father Alejandro Rivera Marquez, a migrant worker from Puebla, a Mexican state in the southeast region, is the latest victim of a bicycle accident in Leamington and Kingsville. He is in critical condition. He lies in Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital clinging to life. Marquez is the most recent victim of a tragic traffic... Read More

Auto Insurance Rates to Drop 15 Percent

Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa has announced that Thursday’s budget will propose a 15 per cent cut in auto insurance premiums. It is also unclear when drivers will start seeing their rates drop, Sousa acknowledged Tuesday.  “My proposal would be to maintain some flexibility, so that we can achieve those targets as quickly as possible,”... Read More


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Windsor Family Hires Greg Monforton and Partners to Investigate I-75 Pileup

Greg Monforton and Partners will be representing a Windsor area family whose children were killed in a 43 car pileup on Interstate 75 in Detroit in January. They are asking that any witnesses come forward to help determine if there were any negligent actions that took place to cause the car accident. “At this stage... Read More

UPDATE: Law Firm Moves to Chrysler Building

Three weeks after moving his Windsor personal injury law firm into the eighth floor of the downtown Chrysler Canada headquarters building, Greg Monforton feels he’s come full circle. I’ve been working downtown since I was a teenager when I worked in my father’s clothing store which was located on the same real estate footprint as... Read More